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Faith Formation

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith.” – Ephesians 2:8

At Hanley, we have the delightful task of nurturing faith in God in the hearts of the youngest to the oldest. The sacrament of infant baptism rightly places the emphasis on God’s gracious covenant promises to us and our children.  God initiates the relationship; we respond. God’s grace summons from us a response of faith, love, and obedience.

From infancy, we teach our children that they are “God’s children” and that God loves and provides for them; they can trust him completely and have good reason to overflow with grateful love for God.  We celebrate the simple faith of children, rejoice over their genuine expressions of love and trust throughout their youth, and seek to nurture their faith to greater maturity and a growing knowledge of God’s Word.  We nurture faith through age-appropriate educational classes, Christian boys and girls clubs, a middle school youth group and a high school youth group.  We consider their public profession of faith in Christ to be an important milestone. 

We encourage you to explore further and discover what these classes and groups can offer to you and your children.